Register for 2023 Call for Backup® 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention
Humaning the Badge presents the Call for Backup® 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention.
Join us Virtually on May 6, 2023!
Did you know:
- We lose more police officers and firefighters to suicide every year than are killed in the line of duty
- The rate of suicidal thinking among paramedics is at least 10 times greater than in the general population
- Dispatchers and corrections officers are at a greater risk for suicide due to stress-related issues
- For every military service member killed in action, there are 30 who die by suicide
- The greatest concern of uniformed services personnel is the stigma associated with mental health issues and the seeming lack of support
Originating as a campaign from Humanizing the Badge, our unique Suicide Awareness and Prevention Program seeks to address those concerns, and to teach emergency services personnel how to help one another – and themselves – deal with the unique stresses of their chosen profession.
Registration for 2023 Call for Backup® 5K Run/Walk for Suicide Awareness and Prevention is currently closed.